Since 1996
Custom Website Design, Incredible Standard Features & Unsurpassed Customer Service

You need to communicate with residents, businesses and visitors.
The Civic Clarity Service makes it easy.

Standard Features
For Every Civic Clarity Website

Communication with Residents Made Easier

  • Mobile Friendly

  • Simple Business Directory

  • Search Bar

  • Calendar for Meetings / Events

  • Customizable Contact Us Form

  • Staff Directory Table & Cards

  • FAQs and I Want To... Pages

  • Quick Push to FB/Twitter

  • Announcements with Archive

  • Alert Bar for Important Messages

Features to Ensure Ease-of-Use for Editors

  • Image Library Folders

  • Easy Upload & Placement Of Documents

  • Recurring/Cancel Events

  • Front End Editor

  • Help by Screen Share/ Phone/ Email/ Video/ Knowledge Base

  • Content Expiration Capable for RFPs and similar

Flexibility of Design to Grow With Your Needs

  • Design Refresh After Every Third Year

  • Unlimited Page Creation

  • Mobile Edit Capable

  • Over 100 Design Modules

  • On-Page Design

  • Online Form Library

  • ADA Accessibility Review at Launch

  • Website Analytics Embedded Within Website

Backend Built to Keep Website Up & Running

  • Reliable Hosting in Secure Data Centers

  • Maintenance Included

  • Local & Remote Backups

  • SSL Security Certificate

  • Cloud Based

  • Zero Software Purchases

  • Firewall and Malware Scans

  • Uptime Monitoring

  • Spam Blocking For Online Forms

Add-On Features


People can sign up on your website to receive automatic emails from you when you post specific new content on your website. Your residents and visitors love to be kept in the loop automatically. (Used with third party service.)

Department Editors

Our standard service allows an editor access to ANY page or post. A by-page editor is restricted to specific page(s) and post categories. This feature is used when an organization needs to have separation between sections of the website.

Directory for Businesses & Available Properties

Our directory allows you to showcase featured businesses, customize map icon for your color scheme, create customized categories, show Google maps, and more. You can also create a second directory of Available Properties.

Content Editing Assistance Packages

The service is intuitive to learn and most prefer to edit themselves.  But there are times when you need help.  We offer 4 maintenance packages:

Hourly, Monthly, Annually, and Documents.

Cemetery Plot Finder & Availability

Think of the time you'll save by having a listing of available plots online. With the same database you can also create a searchable listing to help visitors find the plot location of their loved ones.

ADA Accessibility Reviews

Following industry standards, we review your website against WCAG 2.1AA guideline errors and every attempt is made to score zero in the error category.  We also review additional benchmarks such as keyboard navigation, screen magnification experience.

What Do Clients Say About Civic Clarity?

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AccuNet worked with us to create the website design we wanted.

I had done so much ground work already with ideas on what we wanted and AccuNet helped make it all happen; plus added some of your own ideas to make it really nice.  We couldn't be more pleased with it.

Heidi Drowley, North Star Township

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Civic Clarity provides exceptional customer support

AccuNet has made maintaining a website for Newark Township very user friendly for the past 10 years.

Becky Roslund, Newark Township

Civic Clarity, a website service for
townships of all sizes


We deliver a stylish, up to date website.  Every client can refresh their website design at no fee every 3 years.


Civic Clarity designs for desktop and mobile screens so that your website always presents professionally.


We offer features you need, like calendars, document management, business directories, and search fields.


Website backend maintenance and security is part of the Civic Clarity service.


Our project managers help you organize your content for a smooth launch and can help you keep the website up to date as you need.


We train & support up to two website editors so that you can edit the website on your own. We even offer department editors and maintenance packages.


Website can be launched in a few weeks once all decisions on design and content are finalized.


Since 1996 we have offered client payment plans that are by month or year. You don't have to lock in to multi-year contracts.

Use AccuNet for Ongoing Editing Needs

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Even though Civic Clarity is quite intuitive to learn, some offices appreciate out sourcing website editing.

Most edits occur within one business day.  If longer, you receive email notification of estimated time to complete.

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Our standard billing is by the hour and sent out quarterly
or after $50 in charges accrue.  We can do the same
for you, or add a fixed editing fee to your monthly/annual invoice.  Let us know your preference.

How Quickly Can AccuNet Publish
Your New Civic Clarity Website?


While it's possible to launch in 3 weeks, most projects take closer to 12.

#23553 timeline

Give us a call, or email, with any questions.


AccuNet Web Services
2414 S. Hickory Ridge Rd.
Milford, MI 48380